February 2025
February 2025 |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
2019 Indigenous-Related Workshops at GA flyer:
2019: Decolonization & Solidarity with Indigenous Land & Water Protectors
The Environmental Justice Practitioners Network program is inviting people into covenanting, decolonizing conversations throughout 2019 about offered webinars and Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz’s book, An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States.
This small group ministry track will include discussions on Ms. Dunbar-Ortiz’s book, and a focus on applying learning into practice in solidarity with Indigenous land and water protectors.
UU Ministry for Earth has 30 copies of this book that we are offering for free to participants in this program, and the book can also be purchased from the Beacon Press Online Store for $16 plus shipping (use coupon code “UUMFE” for a 20% discount) and as an audio book.
Letter Writing to NoDAPL Political Prisoners, April 6, 2021, 4pm, Online
Join the Unitarian Universalist Association, UU Ministry For Earth, UU Service Committee and Love Resists for a letter writing campaign to show solidarity with Steve Martinez, a NoDAPL political prisoner who has been recently incarcerated after refusing to face a grand jury for a second time. Steve, an Indigenous water protector, was first subpoenaed to a federal grand jury in 2017 for his participation in the NoDAPL resistance movement and refused to comply then as now. This recent targeting came as a disconcerting surprise to many who have been supporting water protector political prisoners for the past four years. On the call, hear from Water Protectors and UU organizers about Steve’s current legal situation, and write your own letter to Steve and other NoDAPL political prisoners.
Register here
Another way to support is to DONATE to Steve Martinez’s GoFundMe.
Conversation with Sam Mace of Save Our wild Salmon and Elliott Moffett and Julian Matthews of the Niimipuu/Nez Perce, Feb. 18, 1 pm
Thursday, Feb. 18th 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern RSVP TODAY
We celebrate Representative Simpson's courage. The people of the Pacific NW have shifted culture by taking visible actions to protect what we love, because the fate of our beloved resident orca depends on salmon from the Columbia-Snake River ecosystem. By breaching the dams - removing the earthen berm barriers impeding a free flowing Snake - scientists believe we can significantly impact runs of wild salmon. These salmon are critical food for the Salish Sea's resident orca. We have always acknowledged that the farmers and shippers who depend on the River need to be part of a recovery plan: Hear some of our talking points in this short video at a Human Orca Mural we did in Spokane. Learn more about Grain Train and how it can help farmers along the Snake in this Conversation we had with Ken Casavant, awhile back. Check out Rep Simpson's Legislative Framework Stay updated on this issue with our friends at Save Our wild Salmon Check out the extensive article by Lynda Mapes of the Seattle Times Thanks to Representative Simpson's leadership - as well as much work by grassroots organizers, including Elliott Moffett, Julian Matthews (Nimiipuu/Nez Perce); Joseph Bogaard and Sam Mace (SOS); Michelle Seidelman in Portland; and many others, we are celebrating the future of a wild Snake River, with benefits for all.
Stop Line 3, Keystone XL and Arctic Drilling - Take Action Before January 6, 2021
It’s a big week for fossil fuel resistance! Yesterday launched 30 days of action to defend the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in solidarity with Gwich’in and Iñupiaq community members defending the sacred. With the Trump administration rushing to lease this sacred land to oil drilling, take action between now and January 6, 2021. With construction set to begin on the Line 3 pipeline, show up during the Digital Rally to Stop Line 3 on Wednesday, December 9. And then on Friday, December 11, rise up for National Day of Action by pressuring banks to Defund Line 3 and Keystone KXL. Read more about ways to get involved!
Western WA Fellowship of Reconciliation Fall Retreat, November 21, 2020
What's Next: Moving Into the Great Turning WWFOR Fall Retreat, November 21, 2020
Register Here
If you have already registered, but have NOT received the login information by email, then click the link above and register again! Computer gremlins have prevented us from tracking registrations between 10/27/20 and 11/11/20. Participate and listen to leaders working for racial justice, climate action, the end of nuclear weapons, and an equitable, sustainable society. A four hour Zoom schedule is planned, beginning at 9am, running until 1pm with “breakout sessions” and musical interludes included. Speakers will include: FOR-USA Director, Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson, equity and social justice consultant Dr. Karen Johnson, Backbone Campaign co-founder Bill Moyer, and a panel of young activists from the Mike Yarrow Peace Fellowship. More
Need encouragement? Join Side With Love for Monday Movement Moments, Nov. 2,9 Online
We are proud of the ways our Faith continues to #SideWithLove and be present to the World. We are in the final days before a historic election and we want to offer you an opportunity to provide Faithful Witness at The Polls. Whether your congregation is a polling site or is interested in offering some warmth and kindness at undoubtedly tense polling stations, we have ideas for how we can offer faithful responses that are at the heart of Side With Love. You can view the 30 minute webinar here.
What does it mean to continue to “harvest our power” when we are tired or overwhelmed? There's no magical fix, but knowing you are NOT alone and that others can help find the answers helps.
Join Side With Love on Monday Movement Moments for a 30-minute check-in and highlights of what’s happening across the country and ways you can get involved. Monday Movement Moment Nov. 2,9 at 9:30am PT. You can watch past episodes here.
Revolutionary Elders Project , First Event October 24, Online

Monthly themes (subject to change)
OCTOBER — “Community Organizing / Mutual Aid” NOVEMBER — “Spiritual Activism” DECEMBER — “Arts Activism”Get Involved
Community is at the heart of revolution! If you have time, talent, or monetary means to help this project realize its full potential, please reach out: zhaleh@mandalaforchange.com. Support of any kind is welcome: networking, organizing, funding, idea exchange, or other ways.- If you are a BIPOC elder interested in sharing your story and participating in a virtual event.
- If you are a ‘younger’ from any racial/ethnic background with organizing skills or interest in multi-generational dialogues.
- If you are a person in a position to support financially or in other non-monetary ways (e.g. gifting elders or directly offering financial honorariums).
Action of Immediate Witness (AIW) calls for congregations to research, identify, and acknowledge Indigenous peoples
- Do you know the history of the land your congregation calls “home?”
- Do you know what Indigenous people historically or currently inhabit that land?
- Do you know who the Indigenous people or communities are who live in your area or region and what their visions and struggles are?
- Are you acting in relationship or solidarity with any of them?
Honoring the Life & Legacy of John Trudell
A Free Virtual Event October 13th - 14th
More Information Here:1st Annual Gathering of Clear & Coherent Thought
(must have active membership & registration for Redthought.org
Join us for a unique Gathering Honoring the Life & Legacy of one of the Greatest Thinkers of Our Time John Trudell. Throughout the Gathering there will be many offereings of John's work. Musical performances, speaking engagments, as well as a showing of the "Trudell" Documentary. Friends and relatives of John's will be participating throughout offering testimony and sharing life experiences with John as well. Also there will be opportunities for our participants to engage and practice "Clear & Coherent Thought" with some exercises and courses that will supplement the live event. This was always a strong advocacy of John Trudell and as we Honor his life and legacy the intent is to practice it and potentially implement it into our lives during this gathering and going forward. Looking forward to all of the "Thinkers" that will be joining in our very unique event. Futher details will be provided and announced within the next couple weeks.
“The Condor and the Eagle” film screening and fundraiser for Tokitae Fund of Lummi Nation’s Lhaqtemish Foundation
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery - Screening #2
UUs for a Just Economic Community Organizing UU Community to Join Poor People's Campaign
A wonderful opportunity!
The UUA/Poor People's Campaign has reached out to UUJEC to join their effort for economic justice. We've always felt we were a good fit but somehow never connected. We need volunteers
Earth Law Center joins effort to free Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita) Press Conference

Earth Law Center joins effort to free Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita) Press Conference
WHAT: A virtual press conference at which individual Lummi tribal members Tah-Mahs (Ellie Kinley) and Squil-le-he-le (Raynell Morris) will announce the next step of their work to bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita) home from the Miami Seaquarium to the Salish Sea: partnership with Earth Law Center.
The event will include a ceremonial invocation, remarks from Tah-Mahs, Squil-le-he-le and their traditional witnesses, from the Earth Law Center, and questions from the press.
WHEN: 11:00 am-12:00pm. Wednesday, June 10, 2020
WHERE: The public is invited to watch the livestream at the SacredSea.org Facebook page or on the home page of SacredSea.org.
WHY: Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita) was stolen from her family in the Salish Sea in 1970 and has been held captive at Miami Seaquarium ever since. As part of their Xa xalh Xechnging (sacred obligation) to Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut, Tah-Mahs and Squil-le-he-le announced last summer their intent to sue Miami Seaquarium for her release and return.
In Lummi language, the word for “orca” is qwe’lhol’mechen, which means “our relations under the water.” Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut is kin not only to her immediate L-pod family, but also to Lummi people. Bringing her home will help heal her pod, her larger Lummi family, and the Salish Sea. Tah-Mahs and Squil-le-he-le will now be legally represented by Earth Law Center in this work.
- Opening and closing prayer songs by Lawrence Solomon, Chairman of Lummi Nation
- Squil-le-he-le (Raynell Morris) of Lummi Nation tribal member
- Tah-Mahs (Ellie Kinley), Lummi Nation tribal member
- Michelle Bender, Ocean Rights Manager, Earth Law Center
- Witness Jay Julius, former Chairman of Lummi Nation
- Witness Sit Ki Kadem, Lummi Nation
- Witness Alan Salazar, Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
Earth Law Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit environmental law organization working around the world to transform the law to recognize, honor and protect nature's inherent rights to exist, thrive and evolve. They began a campaign in 2018 to recognize the inherent rights of the Southern Resident Orcas.
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery
DoD-Unmasking the Domination Code.5.3.20r1
Western WA Fellowship of Reconciliation Spring Assembly: Peace and Justice in a Time of Coronavirus, May 2, 2020, online
MAY 2 SPRING ASSEMBLY. We are excited to announce that the WWFOR Spring Assembly planners have come up with plans for a no-contact Spring Assembly on May 2. Thank you, planners!
Mark Your Calendar! Tell Your Friends!
Peace and Justice in a Time of Coronavirus
Saturday, May 2, 2020, 9 am - 12:30 pm
Zoom Videoconference (participate by internet or phone)
Please join us for the 22nd. Annual Western Washington FOR conference; this year by videoconferencing or phone. Find out how several groups and organizations are compassionately and courageously continuing to provide services in this unusually trying time, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted them and the people they serve.
Everyone is welcome! All are invited to this video-or-phone-conference and there is no fee involved.
After a welcome and introductions, we will have a series of workshops with Q&A included, and a closing session.
Workshop Presenters
- 9:15 am Workshop # 1, Paul Chiyoken Wagner. Climate Emergency and stand against LNG facility in Tacoma.
- 9:50 am Workshop # 2, Deborah Cruz and Betty Deveraux, Advocates for Immigrants in Detention Northwest.
- 10:25 am Workshop # 3, Maru Mora Villapando, La Resistencia against NWDC, Community Organizer and Immigrant Advocate.
- 11:00 am Workshop # 4, Kwabe Amoah-Forson-The Peace Bus.
- 11:35 am Workshop # 5, Carly Brook, Kit Burns, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons.
Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington Going Digital! June 20, 2020
The Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington on June 20, 2020 will not be postponed but will be transformed! We are going digital!
We will hold the largest digital and social media gathering of poor and low-wealth people and people of conscience in this nation’s history. The COVID-19 global pandemic is exposing the already existing crisis of poverty in America, and we are going to bombard every member of Congress and the White House so that we raise up the demands of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
We will not be able to gather physically in Washington DC, but it is paramount that we have a forum where poor and low-wealth people can share their truths with a nation that needs its heart broken.
If there was ever a time for a massive outcry, it’s right now. People are hungry for bold, visionary solutions, not just to this current crisis, but to systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. Poor and low-wealth people know the solutions we need.
Stay tuned for more about how we are transforming our vision to adapt to the digital space. We may be isolated, but we remain united!
Forward together,
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival
Panel Discussion: Bringing Social Values to Life in Our Cities, Our Communities and Our Conscience, January 5th, 2020, Seattle WA
The Mount Holyoke College Club of the Puget Sound invites you to a panel discussion. Speakers: Dr. Serin Houston, Professor of Geography and International Relations at Mount Holyoke College, and author of Imagining Seattle: Social Values in Urban Governance. Dr. Anu Taranath, Principal Lecturer, Comparative History of Ideas at University of Washington, and author of Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World. Ms. Sarah Mayes. Sarah has worked for four lawmakers, most recently at Seattle City Council. A transgender woman and single mother, Sarah produces and co-hosts a new podcast, By the Sound. Free and open to the public. Download flyer here.
CYNTHIA IYALL In Honor of the Exoneration of Chief Leschi, December 15th, 2019, Olympia WA
LEARNING RIGHT RELATIONS SOLIDARITY WITH TRIBES OF THE SOUTH SALISH SEA invites the greater community of South Puget Sound to join the continuing search for appropriate expressions of right relationships with the original people of the Salish Sea. Presentation will be followed by an informal potluck. Contributions of plated, ready-to-serve finger food are greatly appreciated!
CYNTHIA IYALL In Honor of the Exoneration of Chief Leschi
When: Sunday December 15th 1-4 pm Where: Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge Auditorium, 100 Brown Farm Rd NE, Olympia WA$5-20 Suggested donation
"It is important to have Leschi portrayed correctly so that the future, our children, have a true sense of where they come from. They should inherit and feel the strength, pride, tenacity and intelligence that Leschi left us." - Cynthia Iyall, speaking on the importance of her ancestor's, Chief Leschi's, exoneration in a bio by the Washington State HIstory Museum. Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn more about the legacy of Chief Leschi, known for his generous heart, loyalty and shrewd intelligence. LEARN MORE AT: LEARNINGRIGHTRELATIONS.ORG
Strong Women Building Strong Communities
Saturday – November 23, 2019 When: 1:00 – 4:00 pm – Free of Charge Where: East Shore Unitarian Church - 12700 SE 32nd , Bellevue Panel & Discussion with:
- Dina Burstein, Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW
- Monserrat Padilla, WA Immigrant Solidarity Network & Coordinator for the Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project
- Carolyn de Ford, Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women & Puyallup Domestic Advocacy Program
- Nickhath Sheriff, Muslim Community Resource Center
Sing Your Way Home: Songs of Origin, Flight and Sanctuary
Presented by Children of the Setting Sun Productions Sunday, October 13 at 2:45 A Pickdford Film Center offering Bellingham, WA a hosted presentation and discussion after the screening Children of the Setting Sun Productions returns after a full year of filming in and around the Salish Sea. Come see the vibrancy of local Native cultures in a series of short films, the latest honoring the Women of Canoe Journey in this year's Paddle to Lummi. Also showing is Salmon People, with new scenes illuminating the intricate relationship between salmon and the Coast Salish peoples.