It is our sacred obligation to protect our Salish Sea homelands and our community, including the salmon and qwe ‘lhol mechen (orcas).
Please join us on
Friday, September 27, 2019
on land or on sea
“We are all children of the Salish Sea.
We need to step up.
We are at the point right now where we don’t have much time.
This is a struggle for the soul of the Salish Sea.”
–Jay Julius, Tribal Council Chairman, Lummi Nation
WHAT: We are gathering near the Canadian/US border, both on land and on water, to show that an international line does not divide us, just as it does not divide the waters, the air, the orcas, or the salmon of Xw’ullemy (the Salish Sea). Tribal, non-tribal, First Nations, Canadian, American, fishers, elders, children, families, youth, will show that while we may speak with many voices, we are Netse Mot (of one mind) when it comes to protecting our home. We share a Xa Xalh Xechnging (sacred obligation) to Xw’ullemy.
Tribal and First Nations leaders will address the question: What should be done to heal the Salish Sea? Environmental groups and faith organizations will be represented. The Blackhawk Singers will perform and the waters will be blessed. Bring red, wear red. Also featured: commemorative qwe’lhol’mechen walkway; orca mural; unity circle. Details at
WHEN: Friday, September 27, 4:30 start to gather, event 5:00pm-7:00pm
WHERE: Blaine Fishing Pier for people on land, adjoining waters for boats (gather around the blue seiner, the “Salish Sea”). Kayaks, canoes, small craft put in at public boat launch.
WHY: Our qwe ‘lhol ‘mechen (resident orcas) face extinction, our salmon runs are endangered, and the Salish Sea is increasingly threatened by unchecked human development. Climate change, ramped up marine vessel traffic, and other stressors on the Salish Sea ecosystems necessitate immediate action, rather than endless deliberation. Tribal nations, NGOs, faith-based organizations, and communities are coming together to protect our orcas and our home.