Journal of Universalist History Volume XLI (2017-2018) Special Issue: 2016 Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Studies Editor: Kathleen R. Parker 2018, Unitarian Universalist History and Heritage Center The Montana Industrial school for Indians at Romona Ranch, 1886-1897 by Dana Capasso … [Read more...]
Being Native American may mean being deeply involved in protecting, teaching and advancing the knowledge and traditions of one’s tribe(s). Or it may mean being less connected to tribal communities while maintaining unique Native American identities in other ways within the larger society. There is … [Read more...]
Reclaiming Native Truth – Lessons Learned from Standing Rock
The movement at Standing Rock significantly undermined the systemic erasure of Native peoples from the dominant American narrative. At a time when most Americans continued to believe that Native Americans and Nations no longer exist in the United States, Americans were presented with a movement that … [Read more...]
The California Native American Genocide – Two books reviewed
The first comprehensive treatments of this subject were published very recently, in 2012 and 2014. These are An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 by Benjamin Madley, and Murder State: California’s Native American Genocide, 1846-1873 by Brendan … [Read more...]
Our Moment of Choice
To be released by Publishers, Simon and Schuster, September 1, 2020~Excerpt from Chapter 9~Overview Prophecies, Dynamic Change, and a New Global Civilization. Chapter Nine was written by Chief Phil Lane Jr., a hereditary Chief of the Inhanktonwan Dakota and Chicksaw Nations. His presence has … [Read more...]
The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock: The story of Native peoples’ resistance to environmental injustice and land incursions, and a call for environmentalists to learn from the Indigenous community’s rich history of activism Author: Dina … [Read more...]
Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Crisis
Zoltán Grossman and Alan Parker, Editors Foreword by Billy Frank, Jr. Indigenous nations are on the frontline of the current climate crisis. With cultures and economies among the most vulnerable to climate-related catastrophes, Native peoples are developing responses to climate change that … [Read more...]
As Long as Rivers Run – Recommended Film – First American Indian Nations
As Long As Rivers Run tells the story of the struggles of the Nisqually Tribe, and of Billy Frank, Jr., in particular, who led in the defense of the tribe’s fishing rights that were established by treaty in 1854 but denied. This tale of persistent personal and tribal bravery in the face of … [Read more...]