The COVID-19 outbreak in the United States has put a spotlight on economic inequalities and a fragile social safety net that leaves vulnerable communities to bear the economic brunt of the crisis, Human Rights Watch said today. US policymakers will need to consider these underlying inequalities in … [Read more...]
Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington Going Digital! June 20, 2020
The Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington on June 20, 2020 will not be postponed but will be transformed! We are going digital! We will hold the largest digital and social media gathering of poor and low-wealth people and people of conscience in this nation’s history. The … [Read more...]
For Fair Representation Affecting Schools, Housing, Community, Complete the Census
On April 1, 2020, the US Census Bureau will perform a point-in-time count of every person living in the United States. The Census, which is performed once every ten years, is a head count of every single person living in the United States. It is the primary way that funding decisions for social … [Read more...]
Sign Poor People’s Campaign Petition to Demand a Moral Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
A message from Reverend Dr. William Barber II and Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis, the co-chairs of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival: So much of this country is in economic free fall in response to COVID-19, while many Americans were already at rock bottom before the virus … [Read more...]
Demand Immediate Protection for Farm Workers in WA State
Daily living and working was already dangerous and precarious for hundreds of thousands of farmworkers and immigrants before the onset of COVID-19. ICE has terrorized our communities and powerful growers have suppressed workers' efforts to organize. Generations of environmental racism have … [Read more...]
As coronavirus spreads, some can’t afford a sick day
On Monday, Gov. Jay Inslee called it a “patriotic act” for workers who are feeling ill to stay home. But that advice, while well-taken, has also exposed the rifts in the labor market between those fortunate enough to have health insurance and generous employment policies and the mostly … [Read more...]
Coronavirus threatens ‘extraordinarily vulnerable’ homeless population
King County's homeless are becoming older and sicker, which leaves them more at risk to the novel virus. If the novel coronavirus continues to spread, King County’s homeless population could be among the most vulnerable to the worst effects of the illness. The virus, which has already … [Read more...]
Washington’s Legislature has the tools — and the mandate — to tackle homelessness
Homelessness was once an issue that mattered to many Washingtonians, but fell behind other concerns such as the economy, education and taxes. Today, the public will for action on homelessness is stronger than ever. Nearly one in three Washington residents surveyed in a recent Crosscut/Elway Pollsaid … [Read more...]
As people with disabilities fall into homelessness, WA lawmakers seek a fix
The growing divide between federal disability income and rent is leading more people into homelessness. Tyrone Porter could soon become one of those people. His Seattle apartment, while subsidized, still costs $805 a month. For three years, that rent was covered by the state. But late last year … [Read more...]
‘No supervisors, no boss’: Upending farm labor by owning the land
Tired of mistreatment and not being able to afford the food they harvested, two Bellingham farmworkers left corporate agriculture to start their own berry cooperative. Torres, 35, and Hernandez, 43, founded the organic berry farm Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad (Land and Liberty Cooperative) … [Read more...]
For rural Native communities, affordable groceries can be hours away
Emergency assistance alone can’t fix food inaccessibility for communities like the Hoh Tribe on Washington's Olympic Peninsula. Like many tribes on the peninsula, residents on the Hoh reservation have long dealt with its distance from grocery stores. In general, rural areas with small … [Read more...]
Seattle City Council votes to limit winter evictions
by David Kroman / February 10, 2020 / Crosscut Landlords worry the proposal from Councilmember Kshama Sawant will leave them housing people for months without rent payments. The measure, proposed by third-term Councilmember Kshama Sawant, allows low-income tenants to use winter as a defense … [Read more...]
From Canadian imports to price caps, WA lawmakers seek ways to cut drug prices
Several measures aim to help reduce patients’ out-pocket-costs for medications, including for lifesaving insulin. The legislation Stone-Vekich supports, Senate Bill 6087, had a public hearing last month before the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee. The measure, sponsored by … [Read more...]
Work with Faith Action Network on Census 2020! Training Provided
We are only 40 days out from the launch of Census 2020 on March 12, as postcards will begin to arrive inviting households to participate. Official Census Day is April 1. In the State of Washington, $16.7B in tax dollars for our communities are at stake, along with our democratic representation in … [Read more...]
‘It’s a crisis right now:’ Bills would let Washington cities raise more money to combat homelessness
Crosscut, by Melissa Santos / January 15, 2020 With voters and lawmakers alike identifying homelessness as the top issue before Washington’s Legislature this year, several proposals at the state Capitol aim to let cities raise more money locally to tackle the problem. Where the plans diverge: … [Read more...]
Inslee wants action to curb homelessness and vehicle pollution in 2020. Here’s what voters think
Crosscut, by Shauna Sowersby / January 15, 2020 Inslee highlighted three main areas where he hopes to see the most success: training for midcareer workers, tackling homelessness and establishing a clean fuel standard. He also touched on a few other “tasks” he believes the Legislature needs to … [Read more...]
Severe Weather Resources – Eastside
Single Men - Congregations for the Homeless Severe Weather Hours: 24/7 services for homeless men Address: 515B 116th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA Bus Routes: The closest bus route is the 271 bus. It stops at 116th Ave NE and NE 2nd Place. Walk north, and the Center is on the left. Phone Number: … [Read more...]
Life, liberty and the pursuit of a universal safety net for all Americans
The current approach to helping our most vulnerable is inadequate and unjust. We can change that by meeting everyone's basic needs. by Tom Teicher, December 18, 2019 - CrosscutHomelessness, unaffordable health care, long lines at food banks, burdensome student debt. These exemplify the economic … [Read more...]
A regional solution to homelessness is long overdue. Ask those on the front lines
Nonprofits and service providers are making progress, but we need more help. by Angela Dunleavy-Stowell, December 16, 2019 - Crosscut At this moment, as winter descends in the Pacific Northwest, there are well over 11,000 people living unsheltered and unhoused in King County. Many are … [Read more...]
Regional approach to homelessness may require Seattle to give up some control
by David Kroman, December 12, 2019 “We are [giving up control] and there’s been a lot of questions about, ‘Why are you doing that?’ ” said Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw. “And the answer is, if we’re going to do something different, this is the best advice that we’ve got from the … [Read more...]