At the close of the 2018 UU Justice Summit,
we assessed our day — what we had accomplished and what we were called to do next. Here are our answers to the question: What are WE called to do next? In random order:
- Speak out for our planet with concrete ideas.
- We are called to learn and grow in our ability to be effective justice leaders.
- Continue work on white privilege.
- Connect. Encourage. Support one another.
- Called to work for the advancement of human’s ability to live sustainably.
- We are called to stay curious and open. Judy
- To be the organizing platform for people of faith in WA. (UUs and others) Julia Cochrane
- We are called to stay in community – especially when it is hard. Judy
- Stay engaged. Be allies / follow / stand by POC. Move together. Work together.
- Elect political reps that will support climate change legislation.
- Provide legislative planning tools to local government organizations on climate change. What is their response to climate change? How will local governments protect citizens?
- Work together using resources toward solutions. Phil Myers
- Speak out for our planet with concrete ideas.
- Continuous work on white privilege.
- Engage in Community.
- Create the beloved community in the world – beginning with where we are.
- Follow example(s).
- We are called to evolve a powerful, effective, transforming JUUstice Washington.
- Develop JUUstice Washington to include more people of color or form a working relationship POC organizations.
- We are called to stay humble.
- Look deep. Feel what is happening. Take one step.
- Sacrifice. Model. Speak out. Act with conviction. Gary Piazzon
- Build a more effective network – both between us and among other faith and advocacy groups.
- Be more visible as UUs on political issues.
- Continue finding opportunities to right the wrongs of injustice in every area of our culture.
- We are called to give up our money and risk our lives to make the U.S. fair.
- Join other in Social Justice work. Listen to marginalized people before acting. Judy Kleinman
- Make the family, community, country, world a better place.
- Vote to pass I-1631.
- We are called to continue our work as leaders in the social justice movement.
- Speak up for justice. Be a presence.
- Urge our ministers to give climate change sermons.
- Share research and practices of spiritual healing and nurturing to help us sustain ourselves as we do the difficult work of social and racial justice. Leslie Schmidt
- Stay focused. Roxanne
- We are called to increase our collective abilities to leverage needed social, ecological, and economic change.
- We are called to listen to those who are marginalized.
- We are called to lend our power to those who are powerless.
- Hear the voices of people of color – be the allies/accomplices they need. Do our own white work. Louise Wilkinson
- When setting a legislative agenda, follow the lead of the Poor People’s Campaign.
- Learn how to use EDI guidelines as a valued part of our discussion process. Gretchen Faulstich
- We are called to continue nurturing the development of the newborn JUUstice Washington from an EDI lens. Cynthia Good
- Run with the positive momentum!
- Grow.
- Spread the learning.
- Organize effectively.
- We are called to shine the light on Justice — so bright it casts a shadow.
- Promote climate action ! !
- We (the new JUUstice WA) need to examine how we could have done better today. For example, No ONE introduced Exquisite Erika before she took the mic.
- We are called to turn back the tide of white resistance to structural change in our white supremacist culture. Maury Edwards
- Keep talking and showing up for legislative and local activities, needs.
- Act together to influence change.
- Turn off the TV and work as community to overcome the propaganda by which we have been divided and enslaved.
- Support each other in our JUUstice Journey. Jenny Hall
- Forget our fear and put LOVE first.
- Foster equity in WA State.
- Try to interconnect with other faiths concerning immigration issues.
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