“Although we recognize the complexity of the issue, we still hold that collective social justice is a priority for our religious movement . . . Working on social justice issues is a key part of who we are as a religious people.”
~UUA Website on Social Justice
The UUA.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has an extensive web section entitled “Justice and Inclusion” that includes links to various justice organizations within and affiliated with the UUA as well as resources on building justice movements on specific issue topics within individual congregation and the greater community.
For the purposes of JUUstice Washington, the following are national organizations and resources that we currently engage with and/or hope to do so in the future.
- Standing on the Side of Love
- Love Resists
- UU College of Social Justice
- UU Service Committee
- UUMFE (UU Ministry for the Earth)
- DRUUM (Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries)
- EqUUal Access
- Allies for Racial Equity
- UUJEC (UUs for a Just Economy)
- CUUSAN (UU State Action Network)
- BLUU (Black Lives)
- UUs for Social Justice
JUUstice Washington will also be striving to work with international, regional and district associations as many justice issues in the Pacific Northwest cross our borders both nationally and internationally.
- Pacific Western Region of the UUA
- Pacific Northwest District of the UUA
- Oregon Voices for Justice
- UU Congregations throughout the States of Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Oregon and British Columbia Province, Canada
Issue Team Resources.
Each Issue Action Team of JUUstice Washington also has a resources page where local, state, regional, national and international organizations and sources are listed specific to that justice issue.