Under Construction.
“We are way more powerful when we turn to each other and not on each other,
when we celebrate our diversity… and together tear down the mighty walls of injustice.”
~Cynthia McKinney, American politician and activist

March of our Lives Rally, March 2018 in Washington, DC
JUUstice Washington, UU organizations and UU congregations and members often collaborate with various organizations and groups on different justice issues, knowing that our Voices are stronger when we speak together. Here are some organizations that we partner and/or ally with on justice issues. Additional and more detailed issue specific partners and allies will be listed on the respective Issue Action Team pages.
Keep checking back as this list will be growning significantly. For those UU congregations and members who have formal and informal partnerships and allies, feel free to contact us and let us know who you are working with!
Immigration/Food Sovereignty
Criminal Justice
Economic Inequity