Side With Love 5-Session Series, "Taking A Collective Breath: Deepening our alignment with the Movement for Black Lives" Begins August 11, 2020
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Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites Asks for Your Voice at City Council Defund-the-Police Budget Hearing, June 8, 2020
The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites is MOBILIZING to DEFUND the SPD by 50% and REINVEST IN BLACK AND BROWN COMMUNITIES. We have until July 17th to influence the city budget. As a people who have historically benefited from the institution of police, we have a responsibility to advocate for its abolition.
This work is not done! If you have been following the news lately, you likely know that Mayor Durkan is on the offensive. She has proposed a 20% budget cut, even though if we can maintain a veto-proof majority in city council, she has very little power to implement that proposal.
SO, it is imperative that we keep pressure on our Council Members to hold to their commitment. The pro-police folks are organizing as well. They're planning on using our tactics to try to flip Council Members votes.
Our action is to keep up the calls and emails! They matter- don't let up and give the pro-police folks the phone lines! Only a quarter of our Phone Zap spots are filled for today - so sign up. And make the calls even if you don't sign up! Below you will find all of the city council members contact information!
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End Money Bail Webinar, October 23, 2019, online.

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Prison Abolition and Climate Justice Webinar
In the United States, many advocates of a Green New Deal have begun to include calls for prison abolition in the plan. In Canada, however, the connection between a Green New Deal and prison abolition has yet to be made explicit or widespread. So how can the climate movement work for prison abolition as a core strategy for shared liberation and a society where all are welcome and safe?
On August 27th, you’ll have a chance to hear three brilliant organizers, artists, and educators speak about the thinking that has driven their prison abolition work for decades; you’ll hear us connect prison abolition and the Green New Deal; and you’ll get to ask some questions of your own!
Panelists: El Jones, Robyn Maynard, Cedar Hopperton
More info and register here.
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