Annual Justice Summit
The Justice Summit is a vital tradition for Pacific Northwest Unitarian Universalists and their justice allies and partners. Each year, JUUstice Washington will conduct summits on a variety of justice topic areas. Each summit will provide panel experts on a given issue, to speak to the current challenges and the efforts needed to meet those challenges.
As part of each summit, after the panelists, time is provided for UUs, their allies and partners to collaborate and strategize actions and share resources and tools. Collaboration is a critical piece in addressing issues and JUUstice Washington highly encourages UUs and UU congregation to reach out to other faith-based communities, NGOs and individuals engaged in the issues. At the end of the day, participants leave with new insights, renewed inspiration, plans for action, and vital new partners and tools with which to pursue their justice work.
All interested parties, individuals, organizations, allies and partners are welcome to attend.