Take action! Go to the website below read the bill and comment on this legislation.
“At the state level, Republican Rep. Gina McCabe introduced a House bill in Washington State that would bring the federal, state, and federally recognized sovereign tribal governments together to ensure that everyone in the state who goes missing is reported and listed in a central location. The bill, now making its way through the legislative process, mandates that the State Patrol creates a list of missing Native American women in Washington by June this year, working together with tribal and non-tribal police agencies.”
Follow the bill at Washington State Legislature. https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary…. The bill is currently In Committee in the House and “Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Public Safety Feb 12 at 3:30 PM (Subject to change).”
“At the state level, Republican Rep. Gina McCabe introduced a House bill in Washington State that would bring the federal, state, and federally recognized sovereign tribal governments together to ensure that everyone in the state who goes missing is reported and listed in a central location. The bill, now making its way through the legislative process, mandates that the State Patrol creates a list of missing Native American women in Washington by June this year, working together with tribal and non-tribal police agencies.”
HB1713 can be followed at: HB 1713 – 2019-20 on the Washington State Legislature Website. In Committee in the House and “Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Public Safety at 3:30 PM (Subject to change).”
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