At the close of the 2018 UU Justice Summit,
we assessed our day — what we had accomplished and what we were called to do next. Here are our answers to the question: What are YOU called to do next? In random order:
- Persevere. Resist. Encourage. Model JUUstice. GP
- I feel called to make my climate justice work intersectional — not just a white people thing.
- Learn, prioritize, take a break.
- I’m called to continue my work with indigenous people…
- I am called to take action to understand and address systemic oppression.
- I am called to continue working on our Racial Justice Committee and writing a Stand on Racial Justice for our congregation to approve.
- Read and reflect on several titles from the bibliography handed out this morning.
- Lobby city, county, and state legislators.
- Make economic justification for climate change. How will it hit a person’s pocketbook. Educate.
- Work on tax equity, universal income, and better policy for the homeless and criminalized.
- Feeling part of a community. Judy
- Support my congregation’s group: Justice Awareness and Advocacy. To continue educating our congregation on white privilege and criminal justice.
- Read and study Justice on Earth.
- I am called to address and take action on climate change.
- Pull all resources together. Phil Myers
- Activism, influence, educate, inspire.
- I am called to do inner exploration and attempt to expand the Flash Stance Franchise. Maury Edwards
- Work harder for social justice!
- I am called to reflect on the many perspectives and experiences shared with me today and answer the question: “How can I honor these gifts?” Cynthia Good
- Love all people and all the earth.
- Continue learning. Keep ears and eyes open for opportunities to make a difference.
- Share what I can do to work for Justice.
- Bring what I learned to the Social Justice Committee.
- I want to read “Beloved.” I want to team up with other congregations around the Poor People’s Campaign.
- Contact WA Leg reps re: tax equity analysis report proposal.
- End the paradigm of FEAR by revealing to the slaves the very mechanisms of their enslavement.
- Develop really deep relationships with people of color — mostly in my congregation. Infuse racial justice work with spirituality.
- Stay engaged with justice work. Find how I will be connected to new organization.
- I will say something when I hear/see a microaggression. Judy
- Keep on keeping on learning and understanding.
- Complete my essay or sermon “Put on your own oxygen mask first.” (from Airline preflight; 2 yrs thought)
- I am called to be as effective as possible in stemming the adverse impacts of global climate change.
- Good conversations with 3 people I know.
- Reach out to other congregations regarding their program/activities on refugees and immigrants.
- Look beyond my church for resources and allies. Continue to work on the issues within our congregation.
- Commit to using EDI guidelines, keeping them central. Gretchen Faulstich
- I’m called to confront this very question – what can I do, what should I do?
- Continue education and learning on restorative justice circles and using non-violent communication concepts and techniques in racial justice work. Leslie Schmidt
- Create program to share with our initial group of 4 congregations (aim to go UU wide).
- Act out my faith and commitment to racial justice in concrete ways. Jenny Hall
- Speak up when racism shows itself.
- Be an ally. VOTE. Influence the law makers. Vicky Kleinman
- I am called to NOT SLOW DOWN.
- I will try for kindness in every interaction – no, I will BE kind in every interaction. Judy
- Reflect, write, write some more, and share.
- Work on climate justice more.
- Pursue individual and collective climate change actions.
- Continue self education on my white supremacy. Be an ally. To be; not to do. Listen more.
- Nurture (practically)
- Listen and speak up on social justice issues now that I’m more informed.
- Get the Backbone Campaign on Olympic Peninsula to do a tactical workshop. To connect people around immigration support/solidarity. Julia Cochrane
- To be a Power Lobbyist and networker.
- I will check out . Judy
- I’m called to continue my climate justice I-1631 work…
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