Power UU Justice in Washington
Contribute, today
These are the moments,
when we connect with the power of Unitarian Universalists and partners,
to bend the arc of the universe towards justice.
Now is the time to transform and fortify Unitarian Universalist justice efforts in the Pacific Northwest with your generous financial gift. JUUstice Washington evolved from the partnership of the Northwest UU Justice Network and Washington UU Voices for Justice and combines the many strengths of each group. Its vision is to empower people, with a new and more powerful thrust, to build a just world in which all people thrive. To see where we are and where we are going, visit our website at juustwa.org. By supporting JUUstice Washington right now, you will be bending the arc and bolstering Unitarian Universalist advocacy efforts in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
Please contribute, today
Your generous financial gift will enable us to increase our ability to address systems of privilege and oppression through measurable efforts towards greater equity, diversity and inclusion, and strengthen organized and well-led Issue and Advocacy Action Teams—teams that bring UUs together to take action in the public arena. Your gift will also help us to continue enhancing our new website, social media communications, and organizational infrastructure to better serve our new and still evolving organization.
To donate to JUUstice Washington, simply click through to our donation page.
Thank you in advance for your support. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to working with you in the days to come, whether in legislative chambers, at justice events, on the streets or in your congregation!
Deborah J. Cruz, President
JUUstice Washington
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