How, during an unprecedented pandemic, can we educate all children equitably—with closed schools, disruptions in food assistance, and lack of internet access for home-learning affecting some far more than others? Especially now, how can we not?
Believing that educational equity is a moral imperative, Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church has asked Dr. John B. King, Jr., former US Secretary of Education, to address the needs and possibilities for accessible, equitable educational opportunities for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children and youth, especially those of color. We invite you to join us on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 4-5:30 pm. PT for this free, virtual event.
President Obama called Dr. King “an exceptionally talented educator,” one “committed to preparing every child for success.” He has devoted his professional life to education as a teacher, principal, school system leader, and advocate. His personal story is compelling.
Dr. King’s presentation is our 2020 Kiplinger Lecture on Ethics in American Society. Funded by the Kiplinger Foundation since 2001, this series honors the memory of Cedar Lane pioneer and benefactor Willard M. Kiplinger, who founded the popular Kiplinger Letter and other financial publications. The lectures promote wider consciousness and deeper understanding of critical ethical and moral concerns of our time—and prompt positive action, within the community and beyond.
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