We are honored to work with the host congregations in each experience of Sanctuary. It takes a village of many congregations and committed people for the moral and practical aspects of Sanctuary to take root.
We send our love to our brother Jose Robles currently in the NWDC. He had been in Sanctuary for 13 months at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Seattle. He is applying for a U-visa, as a victim of a crime, that if granted would give him peace and security with his family.
We stand with Jaime Rubio-Sulficio, in Sanctuary at Saint Mark’s Cathedral (Seattle). Both Jose and Jaime who have been at risk of deportation took the courageous step of Sanctuary so that they would not have to be permanently separated from their families.
We applaud and are moved by the welcome by Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia of Maria Pablo Matias and her son into sanctuary, having fled violence in Guatemala and seeking a pathway not to have to return to a dangerous situation. More
From Michael Ramos, Executive Director, Church Council of Greater Seattle
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