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JUUstice Washington                           Volunteer & Steering Team Survey
Thank you for your interest in JUUstice Washington (JUUstWA). There are diverse ways you can volunteer with us. We acknowledge that different people are active and express support in different ways. To help connect you with the roles that are best suited for you, we invite you to tell us more about yourself and your justice interests. Based on your style, we can help you leverage your unique skills to support your interest areas. You'll see the diverse ways to engage with JUUstWA as you step through this survey.

This survey takes most folks about 10 minutes.  Thanks in advance for investing your time in this powerful tool for enhancing our justice knowledge and work.

Have additional questions or needs?  Contact our Action Team at

This project is funded in part by the Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility.
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Position within Organization
Position within Congregation (roles, title, affiliation, etc.)
Website (personal/organizational/congregational or all 3)
Justice Areas of Interest *
What justice work would you do if you could?
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